Selling Skills for Techies

Monday, 25 April 2016 07:33
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Bestselling business writer Daniel Pink has found that non-sales professionals spend about 40% of their day seeking to persuade, motivate and or move people in non-purchase situations. In other words, each of us currently dedicates considerable time to selling even if sales isn't in our job title. However, many of us, especially technical persons would benefit from learning how to become more effective in persuading others to adopt our proposals.

Care to learn more? Read on, dear friends...

Selling Skills For Techies

"Most technical people don't know how to persuasively pitch their ideas to their internal customers. They need to learn and then practice key selling skills that are largely unfamiliar to them."

Ask a group of R&D people to name their greatest job frustrations and "not being able to get Marketing to embrace my ideas" will be towards the top of most of their respective lists. If you were to ask Marketing managers to provide reasons why they don't typically embrace R&D's new product ideas and they'll say things like, "their ideas don't fit with our needs or strategies", "they don't speak our language" and perhaps most telling, "they don't really know how to sell their ideas."

The plain and simple fact is that most technical people don't know how to persuasively pitch ideas to their internal customers. In order to become effective at this, they must learn and practice skills that currently are largely unfamiliar to them.

Many years ago, I experienced frustrations in successfully selling my ideas while working at P&G as a chemical engineer. However, rather than allow myself to become discouraged, I dedicated myself to learning the skills needed to persuasively pitch proposals to my internal customers. I watched, learned and practiced with some of the world's best in marketing, new product development and new business development at P&G, Bristol Myers Squibb and Bath and Body Works. Now, I run a successful innovation consulting practice and leverage these skills on a daily basis. I also currently teach Consultative Selling to senior year students at Ohio University's top rated Ralph and Luci Schey Sales Centre.

BFS Innovations offers a 1 day (a 2 day option is also available) on-premises interactive workshop: Successfully Sell Your Ideas.

This dynamic program is designed to help non-sales professionals learn and practice skills needed to become stronger collaborative partners.

Attendees learn how to more skillfully pitch their ideas to influencers and decision makers to derive greater personal and professional satisfaction and success.

Among the skills taught at Successfully Sell Your Ideas:

how to learn what's important to your (internal) customers,how to develop strong listening skills,how to read body language and other non verbal cues,how to craft sound and cohesive value propositions,how to frame new business opportunities applying the same vocabulary that your internal customers do, learn how to compellingly and persuasively communicate with (internal) customers,learn how to cultivate influencers and advocates,successfully managing objections, and more.

I've successfully facilitated our workshop at some of the world's best known companies. Contact me today to schedule it at your organization.

"Connecting You With The Right Solutions" BFS Innovations, Inc.

Since 2005, BFS Innovations has helped its Fortune 500 clients with technology scouting, new business creation and business development services. Contact Michael today at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 614 937-2408 to discuss your company's needs.

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