Failure to Communciate

Monday, 15 April 2013 06:30
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In a recent survey by leadership development and training company Fierce Inc., 86 percent of respondents said that ineffective communication or lack of collaboration was to blame for workplace failures. (Source: Rieva Lesonsky) This doesn't surprise me at all. These failures can have myriad causes. Experience tells me that the most likely contributors to failure are:

investing insufficient care in communicating intent and direction to targeted recipients. not ensuring that the recipients actually have digested it, correctly interpreted it, and acted on it appropriately.failing to consider how individuals who arguably should have been included in a communication, yet were (consciously or unconsciously) omitted will react to the omission!

The ease with which messages can be transmitted in today's "wired" environments can easily create information overload and increase the risk of failure in any endeavor, regardless of the care given to many of the details. In managing programs, it is incumbent upon each of us to thoughtfully consider:
- Who specifically needs to know? (vs simply cc'ing the universe)
- What must they know? (essential info vs nice to know)
- What action is required?

Are you as careful with your communications as you could be?

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