Confessions of a Technology Detective

Wednesday, 18 January 2012 08:11
Blog author: 

It's early morning and sunlight has not yet started to creep in through my window. It's dark and quiet.

The only sounds I hear are my laptop computer fan and the soft snoring of Watson, my 10 year old labrador retriever curled up in her dog bed next to my desk.

While it's still quite early, I've already been up for a couple of hours catching up on some work. I'm about to lift my Duncan Donuts coffee mug to my lips, when suddenly, my laptop computer pinged to signal an incoming e-mail message. Who would write me so early? I click on the message and the following words flashed across my computer screen: 

"Hello, Michael. I've got a problem and I need your help." The author seems distressed. It is a scientist from a NJ pharma company. I've always had a soft spot in my heart for people from the more environmentally challenged sections of The Garden State.   
The message continued, "I need to find a patented, low dose aspirin that dissolves rapidly in the user's mouth and delivers its payload directly through the mouth to the user's bloodstream. This, instead of the active ingredient passing through the gastrointestinal system and potentially causing stomach irritation." 

My fingers dance across the keyboard in response, "It so happens, that I have a patented solution for you. The product is fully developed and is being currently being sold on the web. I can make it available to you for license or distribution." 

"That would be terrific", my caller replied breathlessly (at least, I assumed that they were breathless. It was a typed message for goodness sake!). "How can I learn more?"  "Call me at 614-937-2408 for further details", I typed...and then hit the Send button.  

Perhaps some of my readers are curious about this offering, too? It's an authentic, patented, product developed by a medical doctor. Its delivery system is also being tested with other actives systems...with extremely favorable initial results. 

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