Does Innovation Have a Spiritual Component?

Monday, 17 October 2011 06:30
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Allow me to preface this message by confiding that I am not a religious person. While there are certain values and personal qualities that guide my life and behavior towards others, I don't consider myself a spiritual person.

However, it is with some regularity that some business colleagues will share a statement reflecting their belief that our innovation work together is in some important ways more profound and meaningful than can be validated by the simple achievement of a financial gain. These individuals seem very genuine and sincere in making these statements. I wonder the degree to which these heartfelt beliefs guide their work, behaviors and interactions with others. Is it possible that these attitudes and beliefs influence their approach to solving problems and the conviction with which they promote their innovation vision with others? I'm describing a heartfelt belief in something larger and more profound than the literal merits of a given technology or invention.

Innovation consultant Gregg Fraley wrote in a recent blog, , "The most profound creative thinking, coming from that deep place I'm calling soul, can transform into powerful, functional, and breakthrough innovation. Creativity that is merely clever, or comes from a place of cynicism or manipulation, in my view is bound to fail, particularly in the long run. The best products and services, somehow, resonate with the human heart and mind. That's what makes them appealing and useful. That doesn't happen if the energy of the product or service is negative or not in harmony with who we are as human beings. One could easily be cynical about this topic, but I am not. I am curious and am intrigued with this notion, and invite others to share their thoughts.

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