Welcome to the Open Innovation Bistro

Wednesday, 12 October 2011 06:30
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Greetings, madame and monsieur. Welcome to the Open Innovation Bistro. We're glad you could join us this evening. Please take a seat and make yourself comfortable.No madame, we don't have a menu. Instead, we request that our guests share with us what they'd like for us to bring out to them. Yes, you tell us what you want, versus us trying to sell you what we have.

In fact, based upon your wishes, we will bring dishes to you prepared with secret recipes that we won't share with anyone else. Yes, our head chef is also a patent attorney. That's unusual, don't you think? This is, after all, the Open Innovation Bistro.  So, what is it that you would like to order? Very good, monsieur, we are pretty sure that we can find that. We'll take a look around and make a couple of calls, but you should expect us to bring it out promptly. What's that? Well sir, while we do have extended hours, we would prefer that it take less than 4 weeks for you to let us how you like what we serve you. Thanks for understanding.  Your meal will be up shortly. Thank you again and bon appetit!
Fall Fruhlapalooza 2011!

Yes, Fall is upon us. And with it, comes Fall Fruhlapalooza 2011. I will be traveling to the New York/New Jersey area on November 14th through 16th for business meetings with interested parties. I would love to visit with you, too!
I invite you to contact me now if you are interested in visiting in person, as my schedule is filling rapidly.   

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