Let's Get Small...Really Small!

Monday, 26 September 2011 06:30
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A couple of weeks ago, I published a breakthrough technology offer for a microencapsulation process developed by a former NASA scientist. Not only can his process significantly reduce cost, it also can successfully microencapsulate live cells (which is currently extremely difficult to accomplish).

We are already entering into confidential discussions with companies one would expect to benefit most from it. For instance, food companies, flavor/fragrance companies, encapsulation companies, etc... Your company too? 

This week, I wish to highlight another big idea that deals with very small objects...even at a subatomic level. It's a very intriguing technical opportunity that has broad applicabilty in a variety of research fields...including for example:
pharmaceutical, medical, dermatological, electromechancial and nanotechnological sciences: What if one were able to achieve microscopic magnification scale levels 50-100 times greater than even the world's most powerful microscope, known as the AFM-(Atomic Force Microscope)? In the words of the technology's developer, Professor Ron Stewart: "I've already have taken images of not only an inorganic and organic atom but of their electrons as well...." Professor Stewart is eager to demonstrate his technology. "Michael, ask your pharma research friends to send me some images of their drug compounds and let me show you and them what I can do!"  O.K. Professor Stewart, consider it done! Please contact me today to learn about Professor Stewart's technology breakthrough.  

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