Has Your Company Considered Technology Outlicensing?

Tuesday, 12 July 2011 06:30
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Four months ago, I spoke with a senior executive from a global consumer products company. They had decided to extract value from several non-commercialized intellectual properties (IP) by outlicensing them. The striking aspect of this decision was that the company chose to outlicense cutting edge technologies they themselves had originally intented to practice, but after painful deliberation had decided not to, for strategic reasons.

This IP would be highly attractive and would certainly offer competitive advantage for well-targeted prospect companies.We agreed that BFS Innovations would exclusively market this IP in their behalf. Within a month, one technology offer in particular has attracted the interest of senior executives at large prospect companies, who are now engaging in technical product evaluation. I am optimisitc that this activity could quickly lead to deal stage.  

This somewhat longwinded preamble is my way of inviting other companies to consider their own technology outlicensing effort. Not simply to clear out their attics...as "dusty" IP is not likely to attract much interest. Instead, I challenge you to identify technology that would be potentially quite valuable if practiced by the right business partner. This effort could generate a highly attractive revenue stream for your company. In part, due to the encouraging developments I've described above, two other consumer product companies have invited and are currently reviewing proposals from BFS Innovations to help them out-license some of their IP. Your company, too?  Please contact Michael at (614) 937-2408 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss your interest.    

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