
In the B2B world, it is rare to find a provider that can radically increase customer profitability without also necessitating (negative) tradeoffs. Meet Bioformix.

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In a few days, my daughter Caroline, will be graduating from high school and in the Fall she will begin her college experience at The Ohio State University. While attending an academic achievement assembly this week, the audience heard enlightening remarks delivered by my daughter's school system Superintendent, Dan Good. His message was powerful and relevant for all in attendance.

Curious to learn more? Read on, dear friends...


In new product development, technologies are typically assessed relative to one another on their technical merits, with no real consideration given to the "story" which may also differentiate them. Is this wise?

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In the field of therapeutic psoriasis treatments, current treatment options have decided negatives. Now, there's a potential game changer being developed...

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April is finally here. Summer is drawing nearer. If you have school aged children and have a need to think about what to do with them once school lets on, dear friends...

BFS Innovations Summer Camp:

The Once-In-A-Lifetime (Tech) Scouting Experience For Your Innovator-in-Training

Most open innovation web portals currently offer users a pretty impersonal experience. By design, they enable the company to collect, circulate and review internally large numbers of external technology submissions without prematurely needing to directly interact with submitters. Unfortunately, while this hands-off approach is efficient for the program's administrators, because virtually all submissions are routinely rejected it contributes to users feeling anonymous and unable to build any kind of relationship with the company.


Online professional social networks such as LinkedIn make it easier than ever to create business connections. However, one should not lose sight of the fact that successful professional networking is predicated on actively creating and nurturing real interpersonal relationships and not simply making virtual connections.

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One of the most common and difficult decisions for an inventor is whether or not to invest in a patent for his invention.

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Successful decision making is linked to discerning the differences between what is desired (wanted) and what is required (needed). That applies to innovation, too.

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In dealing with would-be innovators, I find that many share a common trait: they seem to focus on the "what" and the "how" (what the product or service does, and/or how it works) and are less attentive to the "who" and the "why" (who the customer(s) are who need it, and why they need it). This approach can have some definite drawbacks.

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Most companies look to their Marketers to drive their new product innovation efforts, and rely upon R&D to execute the plan. Marketing often stifles R&D when individuals seek to surface and promote new opportunities. Should they? Well...yes and no.

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Trying to sell-in innovation to a risk-averse audience can sometimes be daunting. Rational arguments are fine, but it can be helpful if you also are sufficiently insightful to address your audience's emotional interests, as well.

Curious to learn more? Read on, dear friends...

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