This week's newsletter proposes an intriguing "what if?"...which captures the Holiday spirit...sort of...
Curious to learn more? Read on, dear friends....
A Christmas Fantasy?
Effective deal making requires patience and a cool head. However, smaller companies can be overly hungry for a deal when facing negotiations with larger ones. This can lead to poor decision making and bad outcomes.
Curious to learn more? Read on, dear friends...
Who Wants It More?
If you have ever experienced the misery of frozen toes in snow boots, or conversely, have had the pleasure of walking barefoot on comfortably heated bathroom tile floors on a frigid winter morning, then read on...
A Cure For Cold Feet
Most of us have experienced the misery of cold feet, especially in winter. We can try wearing extra pairs of socks or stuffing heater packets into our boots. There don't seem to be any good, convenient solutions. We've got a great one.
Conventional wisdom says that each of us should dedicate substantial effort to extend our respective professional network. I have learned that we should invest much more time to deepen our network and not simply to extend it.
Curious to learn more? Read on, dear friends...
How Deep Is Your Professional Network?
I have a friend (and client) who uses a poker term to describe when he is convinced that a customer is fully committed to support the proposition we've presented to them. "He's all in", he will declare enthusiastically. It's a very powerful statement because it speaks volumes about how he views the person, the relationship and its potential. Can you accurately read the other players in Innovation Poker?
Curious to learn more? Read on, dear friends...
In Innovation Poker Are You "All In"?
Consider the types of externally developed opportunties that get adopted by corporations that practice open innovation...and those that don't. Do you think that most of the "winners" come from among individuals who submit them via innovation portals? Think again...
Curious to learn more? Read on, dear friends...
Inside Beats Outside in External Innovation
One of the chronic sources of stress, frustration and waste in corporate and even personal life is caused misaligned expectations. It would seem simple to address this problem, and really it is. So, why is it so persistent?
Curious to learn more? Read on, dear friends...
But I Wanted a Pony: Dangers of Misaligned Expectations
Functioning, physical prototypes can profoundly influence customer perceptions of certain external technologies. Yet, most technologies are submitted and screened applying only written descriptions.
Curious to learn more? Read on, dear friends...
The Case For Enabling Live Product Demonstrations
I wish to discuss the topic of common courtesy in business relationships. To apply a variation of an expression my friend Bob Goehrke likes to use, "Common courtesy is unfortunately not so common".
Curious to learn more? Read on, dear friends...
(Un)Common Courtesy in Business Relationships
Research shows that happy people tend to be more innovative. That's one more reason for us to seek happiness. Did you know there are proven skills we can each practice to help us to become and stay happier (and more innovative, presumably)?
Curious to learn more? Read on, dear friends...
The Pursuit of Happiness...And Innovation
In any problem solving situation, we routinely face 3 alternative paths. The one we choose can reveal a lot about us as individuals (and or our organizational culture).
Curious to learn more? Read on, dear friends...
What Our Problem Solving Style Reveals About Us
Concussions occurring in the course of athletic competition are receiving considerably greater attention these days due to the effects these injuries have been having on high profile professional athletes. While increased awareness is driving efforts to help promote safer play, diagnostic tools to accurately assess head injured athletes and their progress to recovery have largely lagged behind...until now.
Curious to learn more? Read on, dear friends...